

Important Message about Service Disconnection and Late Fee Moratorium:


Today the Governor announced that the moratorium on utility disconnection and late fees is extended to September 30 to coincide with the extension of the eviction moratorium. The Governor’s office message is clear that this will be the last extension, which gives customers time to figure out payment plans to pay down their arrearages. Utilities can start notifying customers that the moratorium will end on September 30 and service disconnections can restart immediately after that for those who don’t enter into payment arrangements.


In making this announcement, the Governor is requesting that utilities continue to provide support to customers once the moratorium expires. The announcement contains specific ways in which utilities could demonstrate grace for customers who have struggled from the economic impact of COVID-19. While utilities have no obligation to implement these requests, it behooves us to demonstrate that public utilities approach customers with care. Efforts undertaken now will reflect on your reputation, and could affect how successful we can be in the 2022 legislative session to secure funding to pay down these debts and avoid any long-term actions related to disconnections. To that end, please keep track of the following information:


  1. Steps taken to get people to pay arrearages or set up payment plans, including all outreach efforts.
  2. Efforts to reach out to cities and community action agencies about getting money to help with customer arrearages.
  3. Number of customers that enter into payment plans and percentage of those customers in relation to all customers with arrearages.
  4. Number of customers with arrearages that you refer to community action agencies.
  5. Amount of arrearages you have now and the amount you have when the moratorium expires.


It has been disheartening to watch customer debt rise over the last months. Hopefully this clear messaging and offers of assistance will help customers in need turn the corner in managing their utility bill debt.