Newsletter for May/June 2019

Web Stie

The Newsletters get thinner as we add content to the web site. ​​ Found at: ​​ ​​ We also post timely information on the Facebook page.


No. the District does not have the ability to receive payments through the web site. ​​ There are costs associated with setting up that kind of program, and for each transaction.  ​​​​ We have not detected sufficient interest in that ability to justify the costs.


We know that some of you would really like that service. ​​ A reasonable compromise is to make your payment through your bank’s online payment program.


Power Outages

When power outages occur, it impacts the District’s ability to pump water from the wells up to the reservoirs. ​​ It is important to minimize water use during power outages. ​​ If you have internet access during a power outage through your phone or tablet, be sure and check the District’s Facebook page and web site for information and updates. ​​ Pass along what you learn to any neighbors who are without internet access.


About Leaks

The property owner is responsible for the condition of the plumbing on their side of the meter. ​​ So check your meter every now and then. Look at your water meter with all water use turned off. If there is any movement anywhere on the face of the meter, you have a leak.  ​​​​ Call us. ​​ The District offers one hour of leak detection at no cost.


Budget Billing

The District is looking at implementing a “budget billing” program. ​​ In such a program, which would be individually voluntary, the customers usage over time is examined and averaged. Instead of getting water bills that fluctuate by season, a customer choosing the option would receive the bill every month based on their average usage over time.


If you are interested in such a program, please call the office and just say, “yes to budget billing”.  ​​​​ If enough interest is shown the District may look at implementing the program.


Credit Card Payments

The District can accept payments by credit/debit card at the desk or over the phone. ​​ There is a transaction cost of 2.5% with a minimum $2.00. ​​ That fee goes to the processing company.


Emergency Notification

If you have not registered your phone number with the Grays Harbor County Office of Emergency Management, please do so right away. ​​ Emergency Management can be reached through the County’s web site. If you don’t have internet access contact the Water District and we will help you get registered.  ​​​​ The water district will use this service in case of an event requiring widespread notifications.


Conditions of Service

There are conditions attached to the provision of water service. ​​ If you don’t have a copy, please drop by the office and pick one up. The Conditions of ​​ Service are also posted on the web site.


Special Needs

It is absolutely vital that you inform the District if you have special needs. ​​ If you suffer from an immune deficiency or other problem where a lack of water could be life-threatening, we need to know. ​​ 



Attached is a spreadsheet detailing the backlogged projects facing the District. ​​ This list only includes projects that are due. ​​ It does not include such projects as major capital expenditures, such as water main replacement, or projects that are out more than three years. ​​ There is no better answer to the question, “Why do rates keep going up?”.


The list does not address water main replacement. ​​ A very large concern is the 21 miles of asbestos-cement (AC) pipe. ​​ When AC pipe was generally available, the projected life span was up to 70 years. ​​ It has been learned, over the years, that the life span is highly dependent on water and soil characteristics. ​​ The result is that the life span of specific pipe cannot be predicted. ​​ Almost no AC pipe has lasted the projected 70 years. ​​ Some has lasted for as little as 10 years.


The Central Park AC pipe has been in the ground between 40 and 60 years and appears to be in fairly good condition. ​​ But that will not last. ​​ The District must have a plan for replacing those water mains. ​​ The industry accepted average cost for main replacement is $1,000,000 per mile.  ​​​​ That amount of money does not exist within our community. ​​ The District is exploring funding sources, but, at this time, a specific plan does not exist.  ​​ ​​​​ There are low interest loans available, but those expenses are still out of reach for our community.  ​​​​ The General Manager is launching a crusade to band small water districts together (we are not the only small district facing this problem) to convince the state and federal legislatures that grant money is needed to address the problem


Ongoing Maintenance/Repair

Given the age of the water system, there is a lot of maintenance and repair activity. ​​ We continue to find service laterals (the pipe from the water main to your meter) that are leaking. ​​ Other tasks include routine maintenance of our pumps, maintaining fire hydrants, flushing dead end lines, , monitoring and maintaining the disinfection system, keeping exposed metal surfaces painted, replacing faulty valves, basic building maintenance, and routine record keeping. ​​ During the Summer there is a lot of mowing and weed whacking. ​​ 


Radio Read Meters

The District has installed radio read meters on services fronting on Highway 12. ​​ This is a safety measure.  ​​​​ Having crews out reading meters along the highway is quite dangerous. ​​ There is no plan to install radio read meters anywhere else in the District.


Those who have had the radio read meters installed will almost certain notice an increase in usage. ​​ These meters not only include the radio read technology, ​​ the entire meter is new technology that will more accurately measure used water and ​​ capture lower flows.



The District is offering a very limited number of system tours. ​​ We can only accommodate two people at a time and tours are limited to one per week. ​​ A full tour takes about two hours. ​​ If you are interested call the office for scheduling. ​​ Tour availability is subject to operational and weather considerations. ​​ You must be physically able to get into and out of a pickup truck.


Thank You

Thank you for wading through all this information. ​​ If you have questions, or there are issues that we have not addressed in this newsletter, please feel free to call the office (360-532-1828) ​​ during posted hours, email the General Manager ( or drop by the office during posted hours. ​​ You are also always welcome at commissioners' meetings held at 7:00PM on the second Wednesday of each month in the District office. You can learn a lot at commissioners' meetings. The District office is located on East Cross Road just off of Hill Road.



Feel free to call, email or drop in if you have questions or concerns. We love to talk with you.


Grays Harbor County Water District #2 is an equal opportunity provider and employer and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, sex, gender identity, or religion.